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Snake Trip

Snake Trip is a game where you are fighting agains time, size and mushrooms. You gather score by eating apples and growing larger while the planet you are on is shrinking. As space runs out you struggle not to crash in to your long tail or accidentally eat one of the poisonous mushrooms that will temporary make you a bit "dizzy".

Game mechanics

Building the physics that allow the desired gameplay. There were several challenges with this such as orientating the bodyparts to the correct plane, and instantiating objects at random positions of the surface on the globe.

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Building and expanding the gameplay

During this proccess the shrinking of the planet was added to give the game a sense of ungency that was missing. An increased turning speed was also added as the game progresses, this allow for better agility and has the added benefit of not giving the player a consistant control and needs to adapt to where in the game play they are.

Evolving the trip

As the development progressed the mushroom trip evolved from just a slight blur to include a variety of post-process filters and really give off the desired effect. The turning speed is decreased as well as forward speed and music pitch. 

Try it out

If you wish to try out the game on desktop you can follow this link. 

Happy gaming!